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_MG_9711_openWithFirst step : make up | _MG_9752_openWithFirst step : make up | _MG_9745_openWithFirst step : make up |
_MG_9729_openWithFirst step : make up | _MG_9763_openWithSecond step : Drink and eat | _MG_9853_openWithThird step : Danse & sing |
_MG_9888_openWithThird step : Danse & sing | _MG_9872_openWithThird step : Danse & sing | _MG_9829_openWithLast step : be a group |
_MG_1466_openWithCarnival : parade, master first in Napoleon' clothes | _MG_1485_1_openWithThe ban follow | _MG_1431_openWithThe first line go forward and back (in Gravelines) |
_MG_1556_1_openWithFirst line contains the crowd | _MG_1495_openWithCostumes are inventive | _MG_1500_1_openWithor traditional |
_MG_1498_openWithor to feel like superheroes | _MG_1503_1_openWithor just nice | _MG_1752_openWithsome gestures look like famous one |
_MG_1772_1_openWithThe Jean Bart song is very touching, some people cry sometime but every time they sing with respect for the memory of this famous sailor | _MG_1733_openWithThe first line indoor in Gravelines | _MG_2101_openWithbCarnival is the traditional culture of the North of France. Son do like his daddy... |
_MG_1823_openWithBefore the band the Napoleon couple | _MG_1970_openWithBefore the band the Napoleon couple | _MG_2064_openWithThe music is very important |
_MG_1955_openWithMusicians need some beer, something | _MG_1884_openWithThe big and strong first line in Teteghem | _MG_1863_openWithThe first line, faces... |
_MG_1913_openWithMore than 2 000 people in this small town. Carnival is really alive ! | _MG_1839_openWithThe followers... | _MG_1993_openWithSome family clothes... |
_MG_2028_openWithHats are very... flowery | _MG_1931_openWithCouple make-up | _MG_1959_openWithCouple make-up |
_MG_1936_openWithCouple make-up | _MG_1938_openWithThe death ! | _MG_2121_openWithA drunk and happy man |
_MG_1961_openWithAfter, it is time to go back home, songs in head... | _MG_0016_openWithDrink they need some time to emerge | _MG_9968_openWithback home could be... problematic :-) |
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