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First step : make up



First step : make up



First step : make up



First step : make up



Second step : Drink and eat



Third step : Danse & sing



Third step : Danse & sing



Third step : Danse & sing



Last step : be a group



Carnival : parade, master first in Napoleon' clothes



The ban follow



The first line go forward and back (in Gravelines)



First line contains the crowd



Costumes are inventive



or traditional



or to feel like superheroes



or just nice



some gestures look like famous one



The Jean Bart song is very touching, some people cry sometime but every time they sing with respect for the memory of this famous sailor



The first line indoor in Gravelines



Carnival is the traditional culture of the North of France. Son do like his daddy...



Before the band the Napoleon couple



Before the band the Napoleon couple



The music is very important



Musicians need some beer, something



The big and strong first line in Teteghem



The first line, faces...



More than 2 000 people in this small town. Carnival is really alive !



The followers...



Some family clothes...



Hats are very... flowery



Couple make-up



Couple make-up



Couple make-up



The death !



A drunk and happy man



After, it is time to go back home, songs in head...



Drink they need some time to emerge



back home could be... problematic :-)

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